Soul-Mates Diary: Not Just A Regular Love Story But A Strange One - First Date - Part 1

It’s a story of a man and a woman who were just made for each other but not meant to stay with each other.

In a small town in Japan, there were two Indian families. Shree was married to Deep for a decade and had a lovely little daughter, Joyee. Partha was married to Gehna and had an angel, Aditi. Deep and Partha were business partners and later became great friends.

Shree was a shy girl from childhood, but she was also very vibrant. Traveling around the world quenched her thirst for adventures in life. She hated arguments, misbehavior, hypocrisy. Popularly known as, Sunshine, in her friends' circle, she was always a deep secret keeper – a heart she called “secret chamber”.  Looking to the brighter side of a situation had been her greatest strength always.

Being an awardee in her post-graduation, getting a job was never a problem.

Shree married Deep after few years of courtship.

Deep was already into his business by the time he got married. Deep was always the perfect son, one can ever imagine. But he used to remain upset with Shree. The unconditional love of Shree for Deep was always there. Lots of marital problems she faced in her little age. Then Joyee came into their life. Shree's life became more and more complicated but she was a girl with a smile on her face.

Deep never reciprocated his love and passion for her. Moreover, he used to blame her for every single thing. She dedicated her life for the happiness of her family - left the job. She believed in woman empowerment and so worked on it constantly. Her good aesthetic senses helped her become a popular fashionista, though at times Deep didn't appreciate.

Deep's friend Partha was alike Shree - very vibrant, loved to live life king size. Gehna was just the opposite. But Partha always loved and cared for her. To them, Deep and Shree were the best couple on Earth.

Partha, Gehna and their daughter Aditi became great family friends of Deep, Shree and Joyee.

Although Partha had a little crush on Shree, never revealed this secret until one fine evening.

Once, there was a gala party where Gehna, Aditi and Joyee didn't go, whereas Partha, Deep, and Shree went. Partha was a bit drunk and gradually started hinting Shree about his feelings. Deep was present but remained unknown. Shree thought that Partha was hallucinating Gehna and kept everything as a secret. Partha hugged and kissed her cheeks but Shree remained calm and composed.

On the next day, Shree and Partha started interacting with each other. Although they used to interact earlier also, this time their conversation was more intense. They became each other's confidante. Not only they were completely similar by nature, but their marital problems were also similar. Partha started loving Shree more and more. With so much affection and love, Shree found solace in this relationship. They almost discussed everything and always been themselves. No need to change oneself to impress the other one was their mantra. Partha and Shree found soul-mates in each other. For more than a month, they just conversed over the phone almost throughout the day.

An open-air pub with great ambiance was just too perfect for their first date, which was completely unplanned. Shree booked a table for two and was eagerly waiting for Partha. She was in a blue dress with open hair and he was wearing a formal suit. She was nervous and cold. The mild breeze was flowing through her hair and she was deeply thinking about him. Partha came and whispered in her ears, "Didn't you see me or you pretended?". She was freezing out of excitement and nervousness. Never imagined, she could ever be in an extramarital affair, although Partha had few. But falling for each other, was never in their wildest dreams. Partha and Shree made some honest confessions about their past lives.

Partha hugged her tightly and planted his first kiss on Shree's lips passionately. She was shivering with extreme happiness but fear at the same time. It was on February 2nd. They looked at each other intensely. Partha was not liking to leave her for a second. His fingers went down from her throat to the edge of her dress's neck almost near to her heart. Shree wasn't stopping him but Partha's true love for her stopped him from going further as he found Shree was badly drunk. It was past midnight, she needed to be back home to her family. They left the place and stepped forward towards the elevator. From 40th floor till the ground floor no one entered and Partha didn't let go of the chance to give a long deep french kiss. Some kisses happened in the car even while Partha dropped her at home...

Their love grew more and Partha started realizing his craziness about her....

(Continued next  Soul-Mates Diary: Partha And Shree at The Harbour )


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